New ILO complaint against USA on Starbucks violations
di Redazione OnlineLLC members may be interested in a new complaint filed May 11 to the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association against the United States on failure of the U.S. labour law system to halt workers’ rights violations by Starbucks Corp. An article about the complaint is at The text of the complaint is at:
Fernando Valdés Dal-Ré: hechos y narrativa de una trayectoria vital
di Jesus Cruz VillalonJesús Cruz Villalón Universidad de Sevilla Elías González-Posada Martínez Universidad de Valladolid María Luisa Molero Marañón Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en Madrid Jesús Lahera Forteza Universidad Complutense de Madrid Ana Murcia Clavería Universidad de Valladolid 14 marzo 2023 semblanzaDownload
La legge integrale per la parità di trattamento e la non discriminazione: una normativa necessaria con un grave problema di approccio
di Antonio Alvarez del CuvilloAntonio Álvarez del Cuvillo Profesor Titular de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social Universidad de Cádiz 16 dicembre 2022 Una nuova legge globale per la parità di trattamento e la non discriminazione è stata recentemente pubblicata in Spagna (“Ley 15/2022 integral para la igualdad de trato y la no discriminación”). Questa legge è chiamata “integrale” perché ...
La riforma del lavoro spagnola 2021
di Sonia Fernandez SanchezSonia Fernández Sánchez Ricercatrice di Diritto del lavoro, Università di Cagliari 2 febbraio 2022 La Riforma del lavoro spagnola, negoziata attraverso un Accordo tripartito il 23 dicembre 2021, è il risultato di una difficile e complessa contrattazione tra le parti sociali. Prima ancora assume una notevole rilevanza politica in quanto la destra e l’estrema destra spagnola si sono ...
Una reforma estructural con futuro
di Jesus Cruz VillalonJesús Cruz Villalón Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social, Universidad de Sevilla 19 gennaio 2022 Frente a reformas laborales previas, extensas y aparentemente profundas, pero que en la práctica provocaron efectos diversos de los oficialmente pretendidos, la última puede tener otro signo de importante calado. Esta nueva reforma, actuando sobre unas pocas piezas claves, ...
Repartidores y no riders. Nota a la STS 25 septiembre 2020 que declara la relación del repartidor como laboral, aunque sin efecto “laboral” práctico alguno.
di Magdalena Nogueira GuastavinoTwenty-first Legal Basis of the Labor Court Judgment of September 25, 2020, rec. 4746/2019: “In short, Glovo is not merely an intermediary in the contracting of services between businesses and delivery persons. It does not merely provide an electronic intermediation service consisting of putting consumers (customers) and genuine self-employed workers in contact with each other; ...
Brazil: labor relations after the decision of the Supreme Federal Court for compulsory vaccination
di Francesca ColumbuThe author addresses the issue of the constitutional limits to the determination of sanitary measures in case of eradication of infectious diseases, taking account of the ones taken to tackle Covid-19. Taking the view that balancing the conflict between public health and citizens’ autonomy cannot be done in absolute terms, the author analyses to ...
New pandemic needs new rules: COVID in The Netherlands
di Nicola GundtCovid-19 confronts us with a risk that First World countries have not encountered since the Spanish Flu 100 years ago. A worldwide health crisis which leads to mandatory closure of busi-nesses, travelling restrictions and therefore affects employment and employment opportunities in a whole range of sectors. What does this do to an employment law that ...
Working anytime, anywhere, all the time?– remote work regulations in Poland
di Kamila NaumowiczThe article addresses the recent raise of telework and remote work, considering its implications in terms of working conditions and employees’ rights. The blurred distinction between working time and personal life is one of the key problems of working by the means of modern communication technologies. The use of these latter has in most cases ...
Quick notes on the Saudi Arabian Labour Law during the COVID-19 pandemic
di Federico FuscoSaudi Arabia labour law was devoid of preexistent tools suitable to face the COVID-19 emergency. The legislator promptly reacted to the crisis, issuing a Sr 120 billion (USD 35.2 billion) stimulus package, with Sr 70 billion reserved to the private sector. The strategy moves on two fronts: provide liquidity to companies (and workers) and avoid mass ...