The EU-UK TCA from a UK perspective…

This blog considers UK expectations and fears regarding what might happen in the wake of Brexit and how the conclusion of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) might allay such concerns or otherwise. It does so by considering the labour clauses in the TCA with reference to the reference made to International Labour Organization (ILO) and European Social Charter standards, considering also the importance of enforcement of labour standards. It concludes by considering the likelihood of the EU taking action against the UK and potential changes to UK labour standards that might trigger such a response.

Labor and social standards post-Brexit. The European perspective

Giacomo Di Federico Professor of EU Law, Department of Legal Studies, University of Bologna. Preliminary remarks Free movement of health professionals has progressively gained momentum in the EU. Now that we have avoided a hard Brexit scenario, I thought it might be interesting to consider the impact of the EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA) on the…
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